Frequently Asked Questions

skillful-care-homeHow long will the appointment take?

Appointments generally last for at least one hour..

How do I get there and can I park?

Full details about parking and transport can be found St Vincent’s Clinic WEBSITE.

There is parking in the St Vincent’s Clinic which costs $4 per half hour. Street parking is available in the vicinity but is limited and has a one hour limit. The nearest train station is King’s Cross. This is approximately 1 km from St Vincent’s Clinic. It is a relatively level walk. There is a bus service immediately outside the Clinic in Oxford Street to Museum, St James or Central Railway Stations.

Will I have to walk up stairs to get to the office?

There are no stairs at The Clinic. There is a lift to take you from the front entrance or the car park directly to level 7.

If I am disabled is there special access available? 

Cars can be driven right to the front door of the clinic and can remain there while patients get out. If you need a wheelchair these are available from reception which is found immediately inside the entrance to The Clinic on your left as you enter.

Is there a place for me to wait if I have another appointment or if I need to wait for someone to collect me?

Yes. There are ample waiting areas on each floor of The Clinic as well as near the front entrance where the reception staff will be pleased to help you with any enquiries.

Is food and drink available in the clinic?

Yes. There is a café in the ground floor level where you can purchase hot and cold drinks, snacks, meals, magazines and newspapers.